Another show from the Puddleby Players has come and gone. The Wizard of Peaceton was easily our most ambitious project yet, but the turnout and reception were both incredible. I guess we pulled it off.
This play was a huge undertaking for everyone involved, but Measle really deserves most of the credit here. He conceptualized and wrote the script, composed what music he couldn't gather, interfaced with Ledon (our mysterious patron), and kept things moving for the several months it took to rehearse.
Hoggle also deserves special credit here, as he put forth quite a lot of time and effort editing the finished visionstone for improved viewing. I recommend showing your support for Hoggle and Sticklord by buying lots of swag from him.
All that said, I think my vocals are what really made the show special.

If you like, you can have your own copy of the visionstone. In order to keep these at a reasonable size, a tiny bit of visual quality has been sacrificed. If there's enough demand, we'll also make the large, perfect quality stone available. It'll be really heavy though, and I don't feel it's really necessary right now.
Measle will be beginning his traditional long library stay soon. Any show put on before his return will be a near miracle. It won't be impossible, though, and a few titles are currently under consideration; Tahxis Driver, Inu Teisei's Chickeny Lickeny, and York's Rad Rax. We'll see how things pan out.
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